Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Trolling 101...


Torture Methods.



Dictionary result for avant-garde

  1. 1.
    new and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts, or the people introducing them.
    "works by artists of the Russian avant-garde"
  1. 1.
    favoring or introducing experimental or unusual ideas.
    "a controversial avant-garde composer"
    synonyms:innovativeadvanced, innovatory, originalexperimentalinventive, ahead of the times, newforward-lookingfuturisticmodernultramodern, state-of-the-art, trendsetting, pioneeringprogressivegroundbreakingtrailblazingrevolutionary;More

Rebirth of the Nemesis (Enuma Elish Rewritten) Melechesh

Rebirth of the Nemesis (Enuma Elish Rewritten)
Dynasty of the Salt-Water People
Time is ripe for Uruk's typhoon
The circle is completed, the feeble is stampeded
The storm of shredded glass has proceeded
The howl of the Scaled Deity
Shrill like a whirlwind in a cave
Asserting its return
As a million lost souls tidal wave
Realized is the legend of legions
Headed by the Aqua Demon!
Tribes of the serpent - iron clad
Rebirth of the Nemesis - TIAMAT
Return with wings of liquid fire
From the desolate pre-universe
Ruling a domain much higher
You are the Creator! Are you the Creator?
Enumma Elish is re-written
Fate was never sealed in stone
The Aqua Demon once forgotten
Integration of the celestial (and) terrestrial
Enumma Elish is re-written
Fate was never sealed in stone
Returning with arrogant pride
Linking polarities of conjectures
Proclaimed on the citadels
of the Alpha post
It's all mapped on the hand
Returning with arrogant pride
Linking polarities of conjectures
Return with arrogant pride
The Serpent Nemesis
Queen of creation
Polytheistic light
Lla Tchaf Lla min Tiamat
Enuma Elish is re-written
Queen of the universe
Lla Tchaf Lla (min) Tiamat
Enuma Elish is re-written (repeat)
Don't fear don't, this deity, don't!
Rebirth of the Nemesis has been foretold
Return with wings of liquid fire
Fate was never sealed in stone

Wasn't that the guy from the Sword and the Stone, though?

Mem (also spelled Meem, Meme, or Mim) is the thirteenth letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician Mēm , Hebrew Mēm מ, Aramaic Mem , Syriac Mīm ܡܡ, and Arabic Mīm م. Its value is [m]. The Phoenician letter gave rise to the Greek Mu (Μ), Etruscan , Latin M, and Cyrillic М.

How many elephants is the bite force of a T-Rex?

African bush elephant 13,000 lbs Asian Elephant 12,000 lbs African forest elephant 6,000 lbs

In my mind, I wonder...


Dictionary result for militant

  1. 1.
    combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods.
    "a militant nationalist"
    synonyms:aggressiveviolentbelligerentbellicoseassertivepushyvigorousforcefulactive, ultra-active, fiercecombativepugnaciousMore
  1. 1.
    a militant person.
    synonyms:activistextremistradicalenthusiastsupporterfollowerdevoteeYoung Turkzealotfanaticsectarianpartisan
    "the demands of the militants"